Rising Tornado Activity Prompts Homeowners to Invest in Safe Room

Rising Tornado Activity Prompts Homeowners to Invest in Safe Rooms and Storm Shelters

The number of tornadoes in the southeast United States has increased dramatically over the past several years, prompting more homeowners to invest in safe rooms and storm shelters that can protect them from life-threatening winds and debris. These rooms, which are built into homes or beneath homes and are typically stocked with supplies such as food, water, and first aid kits, have been credited with saving hundreds of lives since they became increasingly popular in the 1990s. Though some homeowners choose to build their own safe rooms on site, most prefer to purchase one already constructed—many insurance companies now offer discounts to customers who install these structures in their homes.

There has been an increase in tornado warnings

In fact, tornado activity across Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and North Carolina has risen 46 percent since 1950. But when it comes to investing in a storm shelter or safe room for your home there are financial barriers as well as physical factors that need to be considered. Where will you put it? How much will it cost? What design fits best with your family’s needs? At RemainSafe we take these concerns into account before beginning any project.

Tornadoes can happen at any time during the year

Tornadoes that form between January and April are considered winter tornadoes, while those that form from May through December are considered summer tornadoes. While there is no method for determining exactly when tornadoes will strike, it’s important to know what you can do before one does. By investing in a storm shelter or safe room for your home, you can rest easy knowing that you’re putting your family’s safety first.

Tornado seasons are changing

According to data collected by NOAA’s National Severe Storm Laboratory, tornado activity is on a steady increase across parts of North America. While tornado season in parts of Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, South Dakota and Nebraska lasts from March through June, tornadoes are being spotted throughout more of the year. This increase has prompted safety experts across many major U.S. cities to encourage homeowners to consider investing in storm shelters or safe rooms for their homes or properties.

Tornadoes can happen during spring storms

April is National Severe Weather Preparedness Month, so if you live in an area where tornadoes are common, it’s a good time to review your safety plan and how you can protect your family. A safe room or storm shelter is one of the most effective ways of keeping yourself safe when a tornado hits. Click this link for some options in choosing your safe room and determining if funding is available visit RemainSafe online. 

Increased tornadic storm development may be linked to climate change

While scientists are working tirelessly to determine what, if any, impact climate change has on tornado activity, homeowners have recognized that it’s not a question of if tornadoes will strike; it’s a question of when. Luckily, there are plenty of low-cost ways to ensure their families remain safe in the event of a storm. They can invest in safe rooms or storm shelters built into their homes.

Tornadoes have changed over time

Today’s tornadoes are more intense, move faster, and cover a wider area than they used to. Although tornadoes that occur today are smaller than some of those that occurred fifty years ago, they are also far more likely to produce damage because of their intensity and unpredictability. Rising tornado activity has prompted homeowners who live in areas susceptible to tornado damage—particularly across most of the southeast united states—to invest in safe rooms and storm shelters.

The Southeast United States is home to some of the worst tornadoes in history

The deadly storms that strike Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia each year have killed hundreds of people over a span of many decades. Because these storms are so prevalent—particularly April through June—homeowners in tornado-prone areas have increasingly begun installing safe rooms or storm shelters as part of their homes’ foundations.

A FEMA Compliant safe room provides the confidence needed during a deadly storm.

In fact, tornado-related fatalities are decreasing across North America, thanks in part to advances in storm forecasting technology. But that doesn’t mean you should ignore your local weather forecast; there is always a possibility for severe weather. A FEMA Compliant safe room is your first step in keeping your family safe, secure, and prepared for deadly tornadoes and home invasions.  Learn more by visiting RemainSafe online at www.RemainSafe.com and on all social media outlets @RemainSafe.

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