“Now What” Jam Session #2

Here is your invitation for our monthly Jam Session where ZINEB LAYACHIKevin Belz, and I come together to talk all things related to #entrepreneurship. This week is about Relationship building and whether we should consider an ROI (aka Return on Investment)…

The format is interactive (if you want to participate and share) and engaging (if you simply want to listen). Entrepreneurship is tough so we’ll attempt to unpack some of the challenges with open dialog and our lessons learned. We all get to a point where we ask, “Now What?”, don’t we?

Here’s the registration link if you want to sign up: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAlf-qqrDgqH9dSPqiaHOlOenglWpRW25ht

Look forward to seeing you on January 13 at 12pm EST.

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