Social Media Boundaries: How to Be Personable and Relatable While Maintaining Boundaries for You and Your Family

There’s no doubt about it, social media is a valuable tool for growing our businesses, building personal brands, and connecting with our target audience. However, it’s essential to strike the right balance between being personable and relatable and maintaining boundaries to protect ourselves and our families. 

Define Your Personal Brand:

Before diving into social media, take the time to define your personal brand.  Understand your core values, passions, and unique selling points. This clarity will guide you in creating authentic and relatable content while maintaining a consistent image. For me, it’s Faith, Family, Fitness & Business.  The question is:  who are you and what do you stand for?  By understanding that, you can more easily establish clear boundaries that align with your brand identity.

Set Clear Boundaries:

As you build your personal brand, it’s crucial to set clear boundaries. Determine what is off-limits and what you’re comfortable sharing with your audience. Share only what is appropriate for your brand image while protecting your privacy and security. Always remember that social media is public, and once it’s out there, there’s no taking it back.

Choose Your Platforms Wisely:

Not every social media platform is right for every entrepreneur. Consider what platforms amplify your brand message and attract your target audience. For example, if you’re a photographer or artist, Instagram may be ideal for showcasing your work. If you’re a business coach or consultant, LinkedIn or Youtube may be the best choice to connect with other professionals in your industry.  I have most of the big ones, but I generally live on LinkedIn and youtube.  I’m still trying to crack the twitter code.  It’s a learning process for sure!

Share Stories, Not Secrets:

It’s easy to get carried away and share too much information on social media. However, oversharing can damage your personal and professional reputation. Instead of sharing secrets or personal information, or that time that person screwed you over and you’re still not over it,  share your journey and stories that humanize your brand. Share successes and struggles that will inspire your audience while staying true and clear in your brand identity.

Curate Content Mindfully:

Curated content can help you establish your expertise and provide value to your audience. But it’s crucial to be mindful of the sources and the message you’re conveying. Ensure the content you’re sharing aligns with your brand’s message, and don’t be afraid to add your perspective to the content you’re sharing. Let your audience understand why you’re sharing particular content and what value it provides.

Schedule Time for Social Media:

Social media can be a time-consuming activity that can take away from other essential business functions…and your family.  Set aside a specific time of day to engage with your audience, create content, and post updates. Staying consistent and being disciplined with your social media habits will show your audience that you’re reliable, professional, and present.

Navigating social media with authenticity and professionalism takes time, effort, and discipline. As entrepreneurs, it’s crucial to establish clear boundaries, define your personal brand, and choose the right platforms to amplify your message. Share your journey authentically while curating content mindfully, and always remember to schedule time for social media. With the right strategy and mindset, you can use social media to grow your business, connect with your audience, and build a successful personal brand. Good luck!

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