Team RemainSafe was onsite this week at the installation of an Above Ground 6×8 Storm Shelter. These units are FEMA Compliant which allows you to qualify for both FEMA Grants and Tax Credits.
In Alabama, the state legislature recently passed the Storm Shelter Tax Credit Act that allows residents of the state of Alabama to receive a tax credit of 50% of the costs of their storm shelter (up to $3,000) on new units purchased in 2022. To learn more about this program and how to apply, sign up HERE.

FEMA guidelines state that storm shelter occupancy is measured by one (1) person per 3 sq.ft. This means the RemainSafe 6×8 storm shelter can hold up to 16 people while the 4×6 unit can hold up to 8 people.
Contact RemainSafe at (256) 506-9449 to learn more or reach out at