Blacksmithing Today: How Innovation is Forging a New Future

Blacksmithing in the 21st Century: How Innovation is Forging a New Future

Blacksmithing—the art of shaping metal into tools, weapons, and other items—has an extensive history dating back thousands of years. For almost as long as there have been blacksmiths, there have been attempts to change how they work, with varying degrees of success. While the advent of electricity, then computers, and now software has brought about some major changes in the ways some blacksmiths make their products, the art remains the same in many ways. For example, the core skills needed by blacksmiths have not changed much over time; it’s only really their tools that have evolved over time.

An introduction to BlackSmith Ventures

BlackSmith Ventures is an early-stage holding company that invests in companies with disruptive and innovative products. They are focused on starting today, building tomorrow—providing investors with immediate capital gains while holding their investments for long-term growth. The company follows a specific mantra to ensure profitability of all its investments: Imagine, Innovate, Evolve. BlackSmith Ventures helps entrepreneurs build businesses that can scale quickly and profitably as they develop new technologies and products.

Why consider working with us

It’s an exciting time to be working in technology. The convergence of hardware and software has created endless opportunities for entrepreneurs and independent creators who want to take their innovative products to market. Working with BlackSmith Ventures will accelerate your company’s path to success. Together, we’ll create compelling designs that help you stand out from competitors. Whether it’s raising funds or creating new opportunities, we’re ready to forge ahead with you every step of the way!

The basics of how our company works

BlackSmith Ventures works with early-stage companies that have innovative products and need help getting them to market. There are four core types of services we offer to our clients: manufacturing, project management, product development, and PR & marketing.  The biggest catalyst to scale is mindset and resourcefulness.  Two key principles of what being a BlackSmith.

FAQs about working with us

How do you suggest to adapt when disruption happens? You need to be aware of what changes are happening. If you’re running with something that’s long and established, maybe not so much. But if you have something new and innovative, then you have to pay attention to how your customers react to it. Does it change how they do things? If so, how will your product evolve accordingly?  Follow us on all social platforms for encouraging tips and tactics in a “do it yourself format”.   Want to work more closely, reach out to any of the BSV family to learn more.  If you describe the relationship in one word its family.  If two words, its partnership.

Our Founder 

Andy Smith is the Founding CEO of BlackSmith Ventures.  After successfully exiting his first two (2) ventures, he envisioned a Holding Company that can help fellow entrepreneurs, founders, and business owners scale, grow, and take product companies to market.   Our team has been with us since we started BlackSmith Ventures and have contributed significantly to all aspects of growth. They have worked tirelessly with us over the past several years to create a business that doesn’t just forge new products, but forged future businesses.

Andy Smith

BlackSmith Ventures

Founding CEO

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