My Daughter’s Journey of Raising Money for LLS

We had a breakthrough moment.  She filmed her 1st EVER video 

Here has been the her journey & progress 

 – She started with a Facebook post that was essentially a friends and family round of fundraising.  $250 raised

 – She then asked if mom and dad would share it on Facebook (no real benefit because the algorithm wouldn’t help us as we’re not big users)  $0 raised

 – I gave her access to our ZoomInfo account and she sent directed text messages to some folks  $150 raised

 – She then emailed business owners whom she knew personally which resulted in a handful of meetings between her, the biz owner, & the LLS representatives  $750 raised so far, but $2,500 add’l committed.

Side note: This taught her the art of follow-up

 – She then got frustrated with her progress so she asked for help. Her goal is $5,000 and she was at around $1,150 (this was 3 weeks ago).

 – I worked with her on an email campaign to local business owners. Great experience b/c she had to identify the avatar and write a persuasive email.  $200 raised

 – We then started working on my favorite… Video… She pushed back HARD on this one. No video attempts for 3 weeks. But, look at what I rec’d…

I told her I wouldn’t help unless she followed through on all the steps (identify the avatar, write the email, and film 2 videos). This is video 1. Video 2 is for the final day – Sunday.

I’m considering to post my final update Sunday where I’ll match any $1 donations (just a $1) that she gets from her videos. If we can get 3,250 eyeballs on the video and 50% play along with a $1 donation to LLS, she’ll bridge the gap of where she currently is and reach her goal.

What do you guys think of this strategy?

Note: I’m discouraging grandparents from just “putting up the money” which they keep offering to do so she learns the process, the grit, and so much more. The more she works – the more she learns.

Click here if you want to donate, every dollar helps.

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