Finding the Right Tool Will Help You Launch

Met recently with a true ‘blacksmith’ (i.e., Founder) who wants to launch his manufacturing business, but wasn’t sure where to start.

It’s often the customer attraction piece that’s the hardest and causes “trade” Founders the most fear and uncertainty. So, what works? 

Yes, word of mouth still works.

Yes, getting involved and spreading the word around your community still works.

But, in today’s times is about the “AND”

There are tools available to us today that will allow us to amplify our efforts, pull bigger gears, and solidify our pipeline faster.

So how do we access these tools?

I believe the fastest way is through starting a conversation with others.

I meet so many people through social media channels who have just the right tool that seems to show up at just the right time.

If you’re stuck or your business has hit a ceiling or maybe you’ve hit a ceiling – let’s connect because the right partner may just be one connection away.

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