How To Get Your Business To Momentum Phase

How do you get your business to “momentum” phase quickly? 

By creating small, micro, wins that you can build upon.

Here is a text message I received over the weekend from a cohort inside our BSV Launch program.

The Founder’s Problem: Lead generation wasn’t consistent or predictable

The BSV Process: There are five (5) frameworks to business:
 Attract – Nurture – Convert – Delivery – Resell/Upsell 
As Founders, we often focus too far to the right when we need to ONLY focus on the Attract (until we nail it).

The BSV Promise: Provide the Founder with the tools and community to maximize their “Mindset” and “Resourcefulness” to get the business to “Momentum Phase” as fast as possible.

We found that the tools, processes, and frameworks we use inside our own ventures, works with other like minded Founders, Business Owners, and Entrepreneurs.

If you’re a Founder, Biz Owner, and/or Entrepreneur and want to see the full “Big 5” framework, DM me the word “LAUNCH” and your email address and we’ll send it over.

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