Today, I chose my word of the year for 2022

As I write this on December 22, 2021, we find ourselves rapidly approaching the end of one year and the beginning of another. The two weeks around Christmas and New Years are a wonderful time for me to break old habits and create new schedules. The “pressure” of the work week is somewhat “off” and we are allowed to dream, create, relax, but still “do”. You see, the life of an entrepreneur is never really off… The desire to create, conquer, discover, and learn are always present pushing us harder and faster.

Today, I share my “word” for 2022 as I sit here sipping a French Press coffee in my kitchen. Today, was my first time in years that I took an extra 15 minutes to prepare a ‘special’ coffee for my wife. Life is normally too busy so we just throw a cup (any cup) under the Keurig, press go, and run to the next task. Today, was purposefully different. Today, was about the small, but important – and special – moments in life. Today is about Simplicity, Effectiveness, and Acceleration.

During my first entrepreneurial venture, I would informally pick a word that would represent the goal for the year. I’m not sure how or why I got away from that habit, but guessing its because three (3) small kids combined with navigating a rapidly changing world caused enough distraction that I veered off a bit. Well, I’m fixing that now. In 2022, I’m picking a word that I’ll carry with me on the daily journey of Entrepreneurship.

My word for 2022 is “SEA”. I love water and everything it represents. The abundance of the ocean… The vastness of opportunity… The depth and richness of color… The power combined with calmness is incredible to me.

The “S” represents “SIMPLICITY”.

My theory for 2022 is that by simplifying, I’m compounding… Less is more… I don’t mean less work, but I mean vetting each and every decision around whether this adds a layer of complexity or simplicity.

The “E” represents “EFFECTIVENESS”.

The definition of effectiveness is the degree to which something is successful in producing a desired result; success. My theory here is that if I gauge each task, activity, meeting, or endeavor against my goals for 2022, I’ll be able to vet its effectiveness toward reaching that goal.

The “A” represents “ACCELERATION”.

As an entrepreneur, I’m wired to be an accelerator. In fact, my #1 takeaway from 2021 is that the more quality people you surround yourself with the faster you will accelerate your business, life, and goals. I’m the CEO and cofounder of BlackSmith Ventures. We are a premier holding company founded to help founders, entrepreneurs, and business owners scale, grow, and thrive in their “real” American business. We assembled a board of directors that offer a unique experience and skill set in entrepreneurship, growth, operations, and equally important – how to exit a business. I am excited to leverage others wisdom in 2022 to see just how fast we can accelerate our goals by surrounding ourselves with others who share and support one another.

I wish you a Merry Christmas and prosperous 2022. To all my entrepreneur, founder, and business owner friends, I invite you to find your 2022 “SEA”.

Andy Smith

CEO of BlackSmith Ventures

“Scan the QR code for more information on #BSV or myself.

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