How Do You Market Your Business?

I recently learned a marketing philosophy that I think is game changer if you’re running a small business. We’re implementing it in real time inside our ventures and with the Founders in our Launch  Program.

You start with identifying the product or service that you offer.

Next, what questions would your ideal avatar (aka customer) have related to these 7 topics:





 Best in Class

 The ‘What’

 The ‘How’

Once you’ve got the questions ready, then make content to answer those questions in “real talk”.

This only works if you truly look at it from your customer’s viewpoint and not what you think…

I’ll keep you updated on how it’s going… And if you want to learn more, we can always connect.


How Do You Keep Your Focus?

I recently heard a really large and well followed “influencer” dispelling the notion of writing down your daily affirmation and documenting the things your grateful for in your life. Here is why I disagree 

If you’re a Founder, Entrepreneur, or Business Owner in an early stage venture, I’m betting there are some really hard parts of your day. I might even venture to say that most days have some version of uncertainty, suck-fest, or discomfort.

By simply writing down the three (3) things that would make today great each morning, I am now able to:

 Focus on what matters

 Prioritize the “what matters” into my calendar

This way, I drive my calendar and my calendar doesn’t drive me.

It’s a needle mover for your business.

Special Valentines Day shoutout to a friend, mentor, and all-around good dude – Steve Nudelberg – for shooting me a copy of “The 5 Minute Journal” for Christmas. You can catch Steve and Marc every weekday morning at 7:57 am on “The Daily Huddle” here on LinkedIn.

If you want to learn more, let’s connect.


Overcoming the Biggest Obstacles to Business Success

What is the biggest obstacle in our business path right now? Is it an external factor? Could it be an internal limit that we’re putting on yourself that we simply don’t see? Let’s talk limits

As entrepreneurs and business leaders, we are constantly pushing the boundaries and taking risks to grow our businesses and reach new heights.

But, is it clear from the beginning where we can take that business, career, or endeavor?

Often not… but the biggest inhibitor to how far we can go, is often the limits we put on ourselves.

When we break free from any self-imposed constraints, we open ourselves up to a world of possibilities and unlimited growth.

All this is great, but what do I do with this?

Every Monday morning, I meet with our leaders and we identify any obstacles that are keeping us from:

– Making that one phone call
– Reaching out to a subject matter expert
– Pulling that bigger lever

This is an easy question to ask inside your organizations that will keep you from playing “small ball”  and get you to your version of the Super Bowl.

If you want to learn more, I’d be happy to share my insights, let’s connect.


How Much Should a Founder Pay for Mentorship or Coaching?

So, it was December 2019 when I hired my first coach, mentor, and/or paid advisor – whatever you want to call it.  I was at a place in my career where I was tired of doing this thing called entrepreneurship alone and ready to think bigger, expand my network, and reach the momentum phase inside my business as fast as freaking possible.  This person showed up at exactly the right time for me, funny how that happens, right?  As I’ve seen my trajectory LAUNCH, I’ve noticed many other entrepreneurs, founders, and business owners reluctant to bring on help.  Let’s explore how much it costs to bring on a coach, mentor, or paid advisor.

If you’re reading this, it’s no secret to you that founders of early-stage ventures face many challenges when trying to get their business from inception to startup to momentum phase. The biggest factor for me was that I was alone.  It’s definitely true that starting a business requires a significant amount of capital and resources, and founders may feel that investing in mentorship or coaching is not a priority, especially when they are trying to conserve their resources.

However, what founders should realize is that the impact of mentorship and coaching on their business can be significant and should result in a 10X return on their investment. This is because mentorship and coaching can provide the following benefits:

  • Improved leadership skills: Early-stage ventures are often led by founders who are still developing their leadership skills. Mentorship and coaching can help them identify their strengths and weaknesses, and provide guidance on how to improve their leadership style. This can lead to a more effective and efficient business, as well as a more engaged and motivated team.
  • Access to a network of industry experts: Mentors and coaches often have extensive networks in their respective industries. They can connect founders with potential customers, investors, and partners, helping to accelerate business growth.
  • Improved decision-making: Early-stage ventures are often faced with a multitude of decisions that can have a significant impact on the future of the business. Mentors and coaches can provide a fresh perspective and help founders make informed decisions based on their experience and knowledge.
  • Increased confidence: Starting a business can be a daunting experience, and it is not uncommon for founders to feel overwhelmed and uncertain. Mentorship and coaching can provide a supportive environment where founders can discuss their concerns and receive guidance and encouragement. This can help them build confidence and resilience, essential qualities for success in business.
  • Improved communication skills: Effective communication is crucial in business, and mentorship and coaching can help founders develop their communication skills. This can lead to more successful negotiations, more productive meetings, and better relationships with customers, employees, and investors.
  • Opportunity for personal growth: Mentorship and coaching can provide an opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery. Founders can gain insights into their own strengths and weaknesses and learn how to leverage their strengths to achieve success.

Investing in mentorship and coaching is not just about improving the business, it is also about investing in the founder’s personal and professional development. This can have a positive impact on the future of the business, as well as the founder’s career.

So, what options are available and how much do they cost?  Here are the types of programs I’ve seen:

  • Group Coaching
    • Depending on the size of the group, these programs can run from $100 and up per month for a “class” type structure where you learn one principle per session.  There may be weekly or monthly sessions – depending on the host. 
  • One-On-One Coaching / Mentoring Sessions
    • These sessions can run from $2,500 per month to well over $5,000 per month for one-on-one access to your host.  You’ll typically get between 30-60 minutes of access to the Coach per week and many will offer real time access to their community for help.  
  • Mastermind Program
    • These programs are designed for the founders ready to make a phase shift in their careers…  I’ve seen these programs running between $100,000 to $300,000 per year for access.  These programs are designed to give you access to an exclusive group of high performing leaders that meet monthly and quarterly throughout the year.  

In whatever you chose, remember the goal should be to to get a 10X return on your investment as a founder.  

I can say that in my experience, the return is significantly higher…   

For more information on investing, coaching, and early stage ventures, visit me online on all social platforms at AndySmithLife and online at www.AndySmithLife.com.  

Andy Smith “The BlackSmith”

Founding CEO of BlackSmith Ventures


What Is Acceleration Capital?

Here are two (2) benefits to raising “acceleration” capital once you have product/market fit nailed.

 The ‘right’ investors bring a wealth of knowledge, experience, wisdom, and connections.  That’s a HUGE win for you – the Founder…

 Acceleration capital allows you to pull bigger levers, hire faster, push further, and accelerate into the Momentum phase.

Today’s post is about why to raise versus bootstrapping (aka self-funding).

Investors, what do you look for in the Founders you back?

Connect with me if you want to learn more.


My 2023 CADREcon Experience

Big shoutout to my friend, mentor, and all-around rockstar Christina Daves for inviting me to CADREcon 2023. A wonderful event where I not only met some amazing people, but I took away actions that we can immediately implement inside our businesses.

Shoutout to all the great speakers who commanded the stage and inspired the room… Took pages of notes..

Super event Derek and Melanie Coburn.

The last 3 seconds of this video are pure “GOLD”. If you’re a Founder, Entrepreneur, or Business Owner, I suggest you give it a listen and take Christina’s words to heart.

If you want to hear or learn more, let’s connect.


My Daughter’s Journey of Raising Money for LLS

We had a breakthrough moment.  She filmed her 1st EVER video 

Here has been the her journey & progress 

 – She started with a Facebook post that was essentially a friends and family round of fundraising.  $250 raised

 – She then asked if mom and dad would share it on Facebook (no real benefit because the algorithm wouldn’t help us as we’re not big users)  $0 raised

 – I gave her access to our ZoomInfo account and she sent directed text messages to some folks  $150 raised

 – She then emailed business owners whom she knew personally which resulted in a handful of meetings between her, the biz owner, & the LLS representatives  $750 raised so far, but $2,500 add’l committed.

Side note: This taught her the art of follow-up

 – She then got frustrated with her progress so she asked for help. Her goal is $5,000 and she was at around $1,150 (this was 3 weeks ago).

 – I worked with her on an email campaign to local business owners. Great experience b/c she had to identify the avatar and write a persuasive email.  $200 raised

 – We then started working on my favorite… Video… She pushed back HARD on this one. No video attempts for 3 weeks. But, look at what I rec’d…

I told her I wouldn’t help unless she followed through on all the steps (identify the avatar, write the email, and film 2 videos). This is video 1. Video 2 is for the final day – Sunday.

I’m considering to post my final update Sunday where I’ll match any $1 donations (just a $1) that she gets from her videos. If we can get 3,250 eyeballs on the video and 50% play along with a $1 donation to LLS, she’ll bridge the gap of where she currently is and reach her goal.

What do you guys think of this strategy?

Note: I’m discouraging grandparents from just “putting up the money” which they keep offering to do so she learns the process, the grit, and so much more. The more she works – the more she learns.

Click here if you want to donate, every dollar helps.


How To Level Up Your Entrepreneurial Game

Was talking to an investor recently and he shared that in the majority of businesses he is looking to invest in (small American businesses that have technical products), have a problem with the 


He explained that he saw some common issues with the founders:
– Closed mindedness
– Limiting Beliefs
– Wrong team
– Lack of adoption of new techniques, ways of thinking, ways of doing business…
– lack of being self-propelled

So, his deal flow was low, because of the FOUNDER. 

Ok, so how do we LEVEL UP as Founders?

First, you gotta know your SUPERPOWER. What sets you apart from the rest as a Founder, Entrepreneur, or Business Owner? Knowing this will allow you to surround yourself with complimentary talents. For example, I need structure around me… So, plug that pc in…

Second, WHO you have on your team is (or will be) a direct reflection of your ability to grow, scale, and Launch into Momentum Phase. One molded pc of bread affects the entire loaf.

Third, do you have a playbook that you use inside your business to ensure success? No framework = no structure = no accountability = no successes…

I’ve struggled with all  over the years.

Start with yourself, then your team, then build the playbook.

You got this… There are investors ready…

If you want to learn more, let’s connect.


How To Get Your Business To Momentum Phase

How do you get your business to “momentum” phase quickly? 

By creating small, micro, wins that you can build upon.

Here is a text message I received over the weekend from a cohort inside our BSV Launch program.

The Founder’s Problem: Lead generation wasn’t consistent or predictable

The BSV Process: There are five (5) frameworks to business:
 Attract – Nurture – Convert – Delivery – Resell/Upsell 
As Founders, we often focus too far to the right when we need to ONLY focus on the Attract (until we nail it).

The BSV Promise: Provide the Founder with the tools and community to maximize their “Mindset” and “Resourcefulness” to get the business to “Momentum Phase” as fast as possible.

We found that the tools, processes, and frameworks we use inside our own ventures, works with other like minded Founders, Business Owners, and Entrepreneurs.

If you’re a Founder, Biz Owner, and/or Entrepreneur and want to see the full “Big 5” framework, DM me the word “LAUNCH” and your email address and we’ll send it over.


Adapting To The Speed of Change

Business is about the “AND“…

 Old School AND New School
 Investor AND Entrepreneur
 Elton John AND Dua Lipa (this song will pop you into your weekend)

Together… We can be better…

If you’re looking to deploy capital into old-school businesses using new-school tactics, reach out.

If you’re the Founder of a real American business who makes real products that solve real problems, but feeling overwhelmed by the speed of change, let’s talk.